Welcome to the Element Circle website!
Element Circle is a tactical, magical card game.
In Element Circle the players battle each other over the control over the four elements Earth, Water, Fire and Air. In the circle appear four elements at random that can be used by any player and the players obtain spells from the same deck. The players then choose their innate elements that only they can use and take turns to use their spells to beat the other players. Each element has their own signature effect.
– Earth is a solid and cannot affect the elements.
– Water is a fluid and alters the state of the game.
– Fire is destruction and intense.
– Air is motion and mobility.
This is what Element Circle will look like on your table:
Element Circle is played in rounds. Depending on how the players act, a round can be very short or relatively long. The trick to winning Element Circle is to be able to see how to play your hand best, predict the actions of your opponents and to best judge the strength of your own hand as well as those of your opponents. There is a lot of randomness in the rounds that keeps it interesting to play. Even the best players will lose some rounds, but will eventually win more rounds than others. The first player to win three rounds wins the game.